Domen Kocevar
Studied Sociology-Theology at the University of Maribor. Working on Ph.D thesis One Humanity. He is co-founder with dr.Nina Meyerhof of the One Humanity Institute in Auschwitz-Oswiecim, Poland and One Humantiy Bakery. He is part of the international group called Evolutionary Leaders. He founded and is a director of Theosophical Library Of Alma.M.Karlin, which is a place of exploration towards needed new paradigm, with more than 12.000 monographs on all religions, spiritual paths, philosophy, sociology, new science-economy-community living approaches. Recently he initiated a creative-caring-community-coworking space named 2030 in Slovenia as well he started a medical clinic Paracelzus that bridges alophatic medicine with newest science and traditional heritage.