Krzysztof Meissner
Krzysztof A. Meissner is a professor at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, where he completed his studies and defended his doctorate. After his doctorate, he did postdoctoral internships at ETH Zurich, CERN, ICTP in Trieste, and then worked as a visiting professor at Paris VII, CERN and the Max Planck Institute in Potsdam. He has given lectures dozens of times at centers in Europe, the United States, and Canada. In 2009-2011, he was the scientific director at the National Center for Nuclear Research in Świerk. For several years he has been a Polish delegate at XFEL in Hamburg building a free electron laser and a spokesman for the OSQAR experiment at CERN. Prof. Krzysztof Meissner works on the theoretical physics of elementary particles and the theory of gravity. Together with Gabriele Veneziano from CERN, he discovered a new symmetry in the theory of gravity, later used in the so-called pre-Big Bang cosmology. His most cited work is in the field of loop quantum gravity. Recently, together with Hermann Nicolai from the Max Planck Institute, he proposed an extension of the current theory of elementary particles, which predicts the existence of new particles. He collaborates with Roger Penrose from Oxford in observational search for rings on satellite maps of cosmic background radiation. Prof. Krzysztof Meissner is a valued popularizer of science, regularly participating in popular science programs on radio, television, and the internet. He is the chairman of the Program Council of the Science Festival in Warsaw.