A meditation, flow and secular spirituality trainer. First neuromeditation trainer and mentor in Europe, and the creator of modern methods of working in altered states of consciousness - peak state. A graduate of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Warsaw University of Technology, IT consultant with 15 years of experience in managing international projects around the world, programmer. By combining personal meditation experiences (30 years of meditation), technological knowledge, programming skills and an analytical mind, he creates unique on a global scale neurofeeback protocols aimed at improving the wellbeing of both individuals and teams.
Mila Orlińska
I am a meditation, flow state, and secular spirituality coach. The only neuromeditation instructor and mentor in Europe, and the creator of modern methods for working in altered states of consciousness – peak state. A graduate of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Warsaw University of Technology, they are an IT consultant with 15 years of experience in leading international projects worldwide, as well as a programmer. By combining personal meditation experiences (30 years of meditation practice), technological knowledge, programming skills, and an analytical mind, I have created unique neurofeedback protocols on a global scale aimed at improving the wellbeing of both individuals and teams..